Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thank Goodness for P-day!

Thank goodness for P day!  I'm officially loosing my mind!!!  Earlier this week I woke up in the middle of the night to footsteps upstairs.  (we live with members, but they are always out of town).  So obviously I started to panic.  I didn't want the intruder to know we were here, so I "yell whispered" at Sister Robinson.  She didn't wake up, so I shook her and said "There is someone upstairs!!"  Before she could answer I realized it was probably the members getting home late from vacation.  I felt SO bad!  My heart was still pounding when I layed back in bed and we listened to them walk around for another half hour.  My poor companion!  Seriously, for a good 3 minutes there was no other option in my mind...I was positive there was an intruder!  I'm loosing it haha.

Sister Robinson and Hayley

How was the classic Jensen Memorial Day?  I'm sad I couldn't be there to help.  I hope Wes had a fun day.  Because our P day was a holiday this week, our P day got switched to today (Tuesday).  Holidays are prime for tracting.  So we went tracting in some apartments near our house in hopes of finding people home.  Specifically YSA people.  I'm really trying to develop a love for tracting.  I just wish more people were interested our curious in hearing our message.  We did have success though at a couple of apartments and we'll send those referrals to the family ward Elders.
I can't believe I'm on week 4 of this transfer!  I have a feeling my visa is here, but I don't want to get my hopes up.  The reason I think it's here is because my missionary online portal changed from Spokane WA Mission back to Manaus Brazil Mission.  Fingers crossed!  I'll find out in another week and a half.  Also, Sister Prater and I get to be companions for 24 hours this week when we go on splits tomorrow!!!  Ahhhhh!  So excited!  How often do ya get to go on splits with your best friend?  That's missionary fun right there!  Haha be sure to tell Jane for me :)
Yum, it smells like cream soda!

So this entire weekend Sister Robinson and I took on an extra Sister.    This poor sister had such a bad time that she wanted to go home.  In fact, there is nothing I could say to convince her to stay.  So Sister Robinson and I decided we would make it the funnest weekend on her mission.  She said President put her with us because we are the funnest sisters in the mission.  What a compliment!  I wouldn't say I'm that fun, but I try to find joy in the work.   
Hayley with President and Sister Mullen

We picked up a new investigator this week!  Her name is Kristen and she is dating a less active named John.  Kristen said that a year ago her and John had been praying for God to see if He was there.  She said the next day, Elders showed up at their door and they took that as a sign from God.  Kristen has been so prepared!  She has zero religious background and she truely has the desire to learn more and draw closer to God and Jesus Christ.  We are going to start with the basics.  At our first visit she had a lot of questions about life after death so we are going to teach her the Plan of Salvation first to grab her attention.  She knows she has a lot of changes to make, but I think she will be willing to change as long as we can help her feel the Spirit and keep her commitments.  We had her pray after our first visit and she did not hesitate.  Before we could ask her how she felt, she said, "I can't explain how I'm feeling".  We are so excited to teach her!
This past Sunday we got less active member Scott to come to church.  He hasn't been since his dad died a little over a month ago.  He seemed really happy to be there.  Then last night someone brought him to FHE and he was laughing and having so much fun.  It's a really different experience being a missionary.  You can see others so different.  I look at Scott smiling and laughing and my heart is so full of joy.  For a moment, I can see him how our Heavenly Father sees him and I feel like he is my son.  The same can be said for my other less actives and investigators.  I just can't help but love them.  I can see their potential and I won't give up on them.
This mission can be likened unto the Plan of Salvation.  I leave my family for a short time, have experiences that help me grow, and I endure until the day I can return to my sweet family.  I look forward to that day so much.  I think about what it must have been like to leave our Heavenly parents.  We came to Earth to endure tough things and to have joy.  We are tested.  We make choices and those choices either draw us closer or distance us from our Heavenly Father.  And if we endure this life well, we can return to His presence and enjoy eternal life with our families forever.  I look forward to that reunion the most.
Let us use this short time on Earth wisely.  Like Moroni, I would "commend you to seek this Jesus" (Ether 12:41).  Come to know your Savior Jesus Christ.  He is real and present in our lives.  I feel His love on a daily basis.  It is His love that motivates me to do this work.  I love you all.  Thank you for your e-mails/letters and prayers. 
Com Amor,
Sister Hayley Jensen

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