Monday, June 30, 2014

Restoration......We are living in it!

This week was really awesome!  I love my new comp Sister Lomonte.  She is 21 years old, she sing really well and she is from Maine.  My first American comp in a longggg time!  And actually, I'm her first American comp.  It has been awesome with her because we just sing all the time.  Literally every lesson we sing and invites the Spirit so well.  That's something I have missed a lot.  So the good news is I'm continuing in Itacoatiara!  

We also got a new Mission Presidente this week and I will meet him tomorrow.  Tonight we will travel to Manaus and after our meeting we will fly to Parintins again for an exchange.  I'm excited to work in Parintins again!  Yes, our mission is THAT big. We need planes to go on exchanges.  It's fun.

By the way, did ya'll watch the Chile va. Brazil game?  It was soooo good!  I never thought that I would love futbol sooo much.  I think it is fun watching it with a bunch of Brazilians because everyone gets so excited.  I'm a different world here.  The excitement they have for the world cup here is one million times greater than the excitement Americans have for the super bowl.

This week we baptized two boys.  Fernando and Yan.  They are so cute!  They are relatives of a member we recently activated.  And while we were teaching them we met a 12 year old boy named Jobson.  Wow, he is smart!  He understands the message of the Restoration better than the adults we teach.  When I look at him, I think of how Joseph Smith must have been as a child.  Really curious and smart.  He was asking questions about the Plan of Salvation that left us thinking.  When the other kids weren't paying attention during the lesson, he would get frustrated and ask them to shut up and pay attention.  He watches us teach and absorbs every word and he has a strong desire to be baptized.  Sunday he came to church with us and he asked me, "Has Jesus ever talked to you?"  Then I explained the gift of the Holy Ghost to him.  We only need to talk to his mom for permission and we are a little worried, but this kid needs to be baptized because I believe that one day he will be a prophet.

Also, I received good news this week!  In my old area, Nova Esperança my investigator Jacqueline was baptized!  She separated from her "boyfriend" and could finally be baptized!  I'm so happy that all that time and teaching and crying finally led to the beautiful day of her baptism.

Finally, yesterday we had a family night with our recent convert Lorencio and his wife Carla who is returning to church.  He had a lot of questions about Joseph Smith so we watched a movie about his life and it was very powerful.  At the end of the movie we shared our testimonies about Joseph Smith and they were both crying.  The life of Joseph Smith is a testimony to me that he was a prophet of God.  He truely suffered to bring about the Restoration.  I know that since his time here, the Restoration has not stopped.  We are living in the Restoration!!!  

I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.  The church has been restored on the Earth.  God loves His children and He REALLY loves his children here in the Amazon.  I can feel it.  The church is arriving in places of the Amazon that no one could ever imagine!  The Lord does not forget His promises.  The gospel WILL fill the Earth.  I know these things are true, because the Spirit confirmed it to me.  I love you all and invite you all the gain our renew your testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith.

Happy 4th of July!

Sister Jensen

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